I facilitate creative sessions, build prototypes, user testing with the target audience, iterate and deploy apps/games/websites.
Highlighted Projects
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AR Puzzles
interactive prototypes for museums and outdoor city tours.
CATEGORY | Virtual Guide (Actor) Designer Developer Graduation Project |
YEAR | 2023 |
COMPANY | WintorAR |
The Challenge: |
How can gamification be applied to stimulate and motivate end users to do more AR tours?” |
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My Contribution: |
Design, develop and deploy working AR puzzles for the mobile app. Facilitate creative sessions. Develop AR Puzzles in Unity. Iterate prototypes. Smooth animations in Unity. Apply Particles. User Testing with the target Audience. Acting as a Virtual Guide for AR Tours. Presentating insights to the company employees. Interviewing customers of museums and city tours. |
I made 5 prototypes
Interactive Maze
Moving Train
Perspective Puzzles
3D Puzzle

glow in the dark
a light adventure in a mystical atmosphere
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CATEGORY | Executive Producer Designer Developer 2D Animation 2D Lighting |
YEAR | 2023 |
TEAM | Auke Steenman Bryan Polder Kimberley Lips Kylian Schuilenburg Quincy van der Sluis Tijs de Graaff |
COMPANY | Sparkle Studios |
The Challenge: |
Creating a "Diving Deeper" themed game in one week time for the Brackey's Game Jam 2023.2. |
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My Contribution: |
Facilitate creative sessions. Create fun game mechanics. Using Scrum in the group. Smooth animations in Unity. Apply 2D Light. Level Design for the Forest Level. Audio Mixing using Unity's Audio Mixer |
Vanishing Worlds
A time-trial platformer game.
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CATEGORY | Level Design Sound Artist Music Artist 2D Artist 2D Animation |
YEAR | 2023 |
TEAM | Kylian Schuilenburg Marc van der Made Quincy van der Sluis |
COMPANY | Cosmic Noodle Collective |
The Challenge: |
Creating a game idea and release the game in 7 weeks. |
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My Contribution: |
Facilitate creative sessions. Create fun game mechanics. Using Scrum in the group. Smooth player animation in Unity. Apply composition and color theory to create fitting artwork. Compose 8-bit soundtrack with BeepBox. Design 20 platformer levels. |
I Won't Forget Hue
A first-person, psychedelic thriller game.
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CATEGORY | Creative Director (Lead Design) |
YEAR | 2023 |
TEAM | 17 Students |
COMPANY | Hostile Kiwi Games |
The Challenge: |
Make a 3D Game in 14 weeks, publish this game online and get 900+ downloads. |
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My Contribution: |
User Testing with target audience. Creating fun mechanics. Story writing. Focus on expected user feedback. Facilitate creative sessions. Using scrum with the design team. Shoot footage and edit the trailer. Give weekly presentations to the team. Communicating between development and art departments. |
User Testing
Every 2 weeks I made sure to do usability tests with players of the target audience. My goal is to understand what users are feeling, thinking and doing. Ask them what they expect to happen and hear their reactions. Ask non-suggestive questions and continue with 'Why questions' to get into the core feeling of the player.Creating Fun Mechanics
To think of creative, unique and fun mechanics, I am facilitating brainstorm sessions with members of every department (designers, developers, artists, director). My approach is to get everyone's involvement and choose the best brainstorm method.

a mobile rhythm game in a sea theme
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CATEGORY | Creative Director (Lead Design) Audio Design Audio Artist. Scrum Master |
YEAR | 2022 |
TEAM | Amber Üstün Jimmy Balgobiend Kayleigh Huijsman Kylian Schuilenburg Quincy van der Sluis |
COMPANY | NeoNova Studios |
The Challenge: |
"Make a 2D Mobile Game in 6 weeks, publish this game on the Play Store and get 100+ downloads" |
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My Contribution: |
Paper prototyping. User Testing with target audience. Level layout and design. Creating fun mechanics. Creating the OST, SFX and music in Bandlab. Focus on expected user feedback. Composition in the Graphic Posters. Facilitate creative sessions and sprint retrospectives. Using scrum with the team. Shoot footage and edit the trailer. Communicating between development and art departments. |

Unity | 7 days Brackey's Gamejam | August 2022
Team Project
Designer + Developer
My main objectives were:
Animations Tweaking
UI Tweaking
A Poets Dilemma

Unity | 7 days Brackey's Gamejam | February 2022
Team Project
Designer + Developer
My main objectives were:
Level Design
Animations Tweaking
Enemy Entity Spawner
Treasure Hunt
short physical and digital card game for the family
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CATEGORY | Creator Designer Developer |
YEAR | 2022 |
MADE BY | Quincy van der Sluis |
TAGS | HTML JS CSS Svelte Game Design Gamification |
The Challenge: |
"Create an innovative product for a specific target audience in 18 weeks." |
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My Contribution: |
Paper Prototyping. Writing a User Testing. Create fun game mechanics. Balancing the game. Interviewing families with children. Physical and Digital Prototyping. |
Executive Summary.pdf
Treasure Hunt by Quincy van der Sluis
Bringing the lonely family from their separate rooms back to the table for a short, social and cooperative board game.Working parents who have little time with their children and teenagers who spend too much alone time in their room can cause a family to lose each other. Families should spend fun time together, even if it is just for 15 minutes. If only there was a short, fun cooperative game that could bring the family closer.Treasure Hunt is what you need. Treasure Hunt is the board game where every member of the family joins to work together in finding the hidden buried treasures. My game will bring the family closer to communicate with each other by sharing clues about the location of the buried treasures. Treasure Hunt is the first step towards a socially close family.Every single house has some sort of a card or board game laying around. The increase in customers purchasing board games presents an opportunity for game designers to publish their innovative ideas on the market, introducing new and fun ways to play with friends and family. The majority of consumers spend more than $1,000 on new games annually.In the board game industry there are many board game publishers as well as kickstarters who try to sell their games. The competition of Treasure Hunt is family games with cooperative elements, which is a niche category. My game however, is shorter than most cooperative games, includes a mobile app and emphasizes on communicating with each other. This combination will create a unique and innovative way of playing games.I will sell my game at your board game publisher and sign a contract. Then, I will receive royalties every quarter based on Treasure Hunt's sales figures. The game will retail for €24, and I will earn an 8% royalty on the wholesale price of €12, which amounts to €0.96 for every sale. Within three years, my game will be available in most countries worldwide, both in local game stores and through shipping. By that time, I will have also released an additional expansion for the original game, which is expected to expand the audience and increase revenue.My team is well-suited for the job, as we specialize in building software applications and releasing MVPs. My team is also into board games and part of online and local game communities. We also test the product with the target audience for constructive criticism, resulting in multiple iterations for a polished and fun game to publish.Investing in Treasure Hunt will bring back more money with the sold copies of the game. You will earn 97.5% for the retail price per copy. So for 1,000 copies sold you will earn €23,400,-.To make this game a reality I need funding to pay my graphic artist and print my game components. I would like to ask for €2,000,- to pay myself and my graphic artist. €150 to deploy my app on mobile app stores. 3 months from now I need €12,000 to fabricate 1,000 copies of my game components.
Water Mappie
Mapbox API | 10 week project | February - April 2022
Team Project
Designer + Developer
The assignment:
"Come up with an innovative, cool gimmick that gives the visitors to our website the 'WOWfactor'"
My main objectives were:
User Testing
Zelfevaluatie en reflectie
Feedback en reflectie
Ik vond het project een uitdagend en interessante opdracht, omdat ik nog niet eerder iets heb gedaan met een sociaal en cultureel onderwerp zoals Seksuele Straat Intimidatie en ik niet bewust was dat het zo'n grote rol speelt in Rotterdam. Ik vond dat de opdrachtgever bij de Gemeente Rotterdam voornamelijk met negatieve feedback kwam en ik merkte dat mijn humeur en motivatie daardoor werd verlaagd. Ik vond dat er wel goede onderbouwde feedback kwam van de collega's. Het bedenken van een oplossing voor dit maatschappelijk probleem vond ik spannend en uitdagend, het was iets nieuws voor mij.Ik heb tijdens het project feedback gekregen van mijn team, de leraar en de werknemers van Gemeente Rotterdam. Deze feedback heb ik toen gehoord en opgepakt. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld een planning gemaakt zodat we de taken kunnen verdelen over de weken. Ook heb ik een energizer bedacht voor tijdens de pauzes. Ik heb ook feedback gekregen van de cursusleider (Gabi) over het toevoegen van een dia in de presentatie tijdens het toneelstukje. Teamcoach (Noa) kwam ook regelmatig langs om te vragen naar de technologische aspecten van het prototype. Ik had toen verteld over het plan van een front end applicatie en het gebruik van QR codes. Daarnaast zat ik ook te bespreken over back end mogelijkheden om gebruikers input op te slaan in een database zoals MyPhpAdmin en MYSQL. Noa had voor mij gecontroleerd bij de cursusleider (Antwan) of dit een mogelijkheid was voor ons. Dit bleek uiteindelijk mogelijk, maar helaas door de gelimiteerde tijd aan ontwikkelen is dit er niet van gekomen.Ik vind van mijzelf dat ik veel tijd en energie hebt gestoken in het project en mij als een echte teamspeler heb gedragen. Ik heb Reymark geholpen waar ik dat kon en ik heb ook meerdere keren om feedback gevraagd. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld Reymark geholpen met de basis van Svelte en de installatie daarvan. Ik heb ook bijvoorbeeld feedback gekregen van Sandesh over de opzet van de Onepager en dat er wat aanpassingen gedaan moesten worden om het ontwerp te realiseren. Ook heb ik meerdere keren netjes vermeld dat sommige ontwerpideeën niet haalbaar zijn i.v.m. de gelimiteerde tijd en mankracht in het team.
Ik ben trots op het eindresultaat en ik ben trots op de prestatie van mijn team. Ik heb veel nieuwe dingen geleerd. Waaronder brainstormmethodes en andere ontwerpmethodes zoals Brainwriting, Context Map - Destep en Insight Statements. Ook de programmeertaal Svelte was nieuw voor mij en heb ik nu onder de knie gekregen. Tot slot vond ik dat mijn team serieus, enthousiast en behulpzaam te werk ging in deze afgelopen 10 weken van Medialab 2.

Screen Green Machine
Mapbox API | 20 week project | February - June 2021
Team Project
Designer + Developer
My main objectives were:
Artificial Intelligence
Image Recognition

Pokémon Draw

ML5.js | 1 week project | March 2021
Individual Project
Designer + Developer
My main objectives were:
Artificial Intelligence
Creating a canvas for drawing on screen
Natura Humana
A first-person, 3D game about an AI-data driven city.
CATEGORY | Voice Acting |
YEAR | 2023 |
DIRECTOR | Dries de Roover |
A Message of Peace
Interactive Web App | 20 week project | September 2020 - February 2021
Team Project
Designer + Developer
My main objectives were:
Interactive Web Application
Creating pop up cards

About me
Hi, I’m Quincy van der Sluis, an enthusiastic and versatile creative professional from Rotterdam. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences in 2023. My passion for coding and (visual) design led me to study Creative Media & Game Technologies, where I’ve gained a strong foundation in both development and design.I’m always excited to learn new frameworks and explore emerging technologies, applying them to solve real-world challenges. Although I don’t focus on one specific field, I specialize in areas such as front-end development, UX/UI design, and game design. My strength lies in bridging the gap between development and design, ensuring seamless collaboration and effective communication across teams.I'm passionate about creating intuitive, user-centered solutions and always strive to improve my craft. I believe in leading with positivity and initiative, and I love taking on projects that allow me to bring people together, solve problems, and push creative boundaries.

Are you looking for any of the below;
Technical Game Designer
Game Designer
Unity Developer
UX/UI Designer
Front End Developer
Full Stack Developer
Music Artist
Video Editor
Voice Actor
Then don't hesitate to contact me.
Mail: [email protected]
Place: Rotterdam, The Netherlands